Selected articles in newspapers and magazines:
- It’s Shengren, stupid!
- Long into the West’s dragon business
- Falsch Uebersetztes Chinesisch
- East-West dichotomy revisited
- Language Imperialism – Democracy in China
- Global Language with Chinese Characteristics
- Bigger than the Buddhas
- Diary of a Mad Imperialist
- Abschied nehmen von Ji Xianlin
- Sprachen-Imperialismus
- How Western Translations Distort China’s Reality
- Dead in Translation
- Language and Empire: My language, your prison
- East may finally triumph in linguistic battles
- China: Lost in Translation
- The Confucian Way of Europe
- China: Lost in Translation II
- Ending the myths about translation
- Streit zwischen Japan und China um Diaoyu Inseln
- The End of Translation and the Rise of Chinese Terminology
- Shengren? Nein, danke!
- La fin de la traduction
- Por qué Occidente deja a un lado los conceptos ingeniosos chinos
- La hegemonía del lenguaje: ¡Es ‘shengren’, estúpido!
- “My name is Long, Chinese Long” (ita) Italy
- Europe’s path to a new humanism
- Do not confuse Confucius with Christian Saint Nicholas
- A Confucian Christmas in China
- 翻译的终结
- 中国的儒家圣诞节
- How to Become a Spiritual Leader
- A Call to Promote Chinese Terminologies
- The Qingming Festival
- Truly global vocabulary needs untranslatable Chinese terms
- The Post-Translational Society
- How bad is corruption in China today?
- 促进中国术语使用的倡议书
- La Fiesta Qingming
- This is the Chinese Dream (Zhongguo Meng)
- Constructing an American Confucianism (Asia Times)
- Why I Am So Sure – Rise Tianxia, Rise! (Shanghai Daily)
- The Public Intellectual and The Marketing of World History
- Chinas Universitäten: Daxue oder “Das Grosse Lernen”
- Sprachimperialismus: Was gibt’s in China, wenn nicht “Demokratie”?
- The perils of being associated with China (The Korea Times)
- 12 Years in China – Reflections – T J Pattberg
- How China’s Ivy League Obsession Shortchanges Homegrown Universities (Global Asia)
- 德国哲学家:中国文化是时候反击了
- Free Asia-Pacific from Western hold (China Daily)
- The rising cult of China experts
- Times and culture beckon Confucius back (China Daily)
- Films vis-a-vis nations’ global role (China Daily)
- Chinese are not so foolish as to worship at the church of Western values (SCMP)
- 德国哲学家:中国应向世界推广中文用词
- Pattberg: ¿Apoyar la creación de un lenguaje universal para un mundo globalizado?
- 德国学者裴德思说:包子烤鸭不需要翻译 (北京日报)
- Everything is NOT awesome (Ai Weiwei) (British GQ Magazine)
- Star Wars is Taoism in American garb (China Daily)
- House of Mei a legacy of Peking Opera (The Telegraph)
- Democracy is the opiate of history’s losers, as Japan proves (South China Morning Post)
- A Song of Winter and Spring (China Daily)