The Who is superior to the What – Logan Paul and his Youtube Free Pass Youtube enforces extremely strict ‘Community Guidelines’ for the insect people to obey,… and at the same time grants total limitlessness to
Charles “All Men Are Jesus Christ” Manson was a “Nobody” 🔪
The “Nobody” that would become a Somebody who inspirited millions, mostly in a creative, metaphorically way, died on November 19, 2017; and as sure as saint trumpets his legacy will echo into our Civilization. It […]

The Merkel hate speech that led to the persecution of millions
Angela Merkel today criminalizes millions of Germans for “hate speech” for exactly what she said 14 years ago! For all the millions of Germans that the Merkel regime has labelled “right-wing extremists” [especially the 6 […]
New York Times has a whopping 18.3 million FAKE Twitter Followers
Fake News, Fake Subscribers, Fake Followers: The Non-Existing ‘Reputation’ of The New York Times The New York Times, queen of fake news, spam mails, and subscriber scam, also has a mind-blowing 18.3 million FAKE Twitter followers, […]
The Power of Google Calls Value of Human Life into Question
If you have no power, no say, and if you can be extinguished–deleted, delisted, erased–any time, without warning or notice, than ‘life’ or the meaning of it in the computer age must be called into […]
BMW continues ads in notorious propaganda regime press ‘Der SPIEGEL’
Der SPIEGEL: Regime propaganda, fake news, disinformation–and BMW fits right in? German car makers are corrupt beyond belief, and they get sued–one by one–mostly in the USA. Mostly for cronyism and fraud. In fact, without […]
Proof that Merkel is a lying sociopath
Merkel makes migrant stuff up as she stays in power for 16 years You gotta love the internet. People are actually able to demonstrate the double standards of Angela Merkel by digging up a statements […]