The Guardian is Full of Shit
There is nothing more brain-damaging in reading Britain than reading that rotten piece of propaganda and journoporn that is The Guardian newspaper.
RELATED The Guardian – Enemy Propaganda and Fabricating Foreign Dissidents
Having killed the tabloids, the yellow press and gossip journalism, The Guardian is out there for the dissipation of fake news and disinformation, genital indoctrination, and passing off gender bullshit and cultural Marxism as genuine sciences.
Let’s Pretend We’re Not E-Begging: “Support Us!”
That paper’s sole existence and survival dangles on its membership in the transatlantic Globalist propaganda network. It engages, in concert with other members like the awful Economist, in massive political and ideological propaganda and information warfare. As a news outlet, however, it has no future. That’s because those legacy media never had any true legitimacy, no electorate, and no reason to hang around in a world of better alternatives forever.
RELATED Failing propaganda press ‘The Guardian’ beggars for your credit card number
Except… could you please pass over to The Guardian your private information and your credit card number and donate 1 Pound Sterling, please? You can pay either by Visa, MasterCard, American Express… and PayPal, no problem.
Unelected, Illegitimate, and Completely Redundant
That would so much help us asshole journalists to keep our propaganda rag afloat.

Oh, It’s a Corporation that Manipulates Millions, NOT a Fucking Democratic Institution!
Google “Fake News Media” and See How It Backfired on the Mainstream…