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Press Soldiers
Katie Hopkins to investigate White Genocide in South Africa — Follow her Activism
January 26, 2018
Journalism is pointless in hell, there is only activism It would be easier to “expose” the ongoing white genocide in South Africa by following the hush money flow from Cape Town to the likes of […]

Last Jedi is a stunning yet objectively BAD MOVIE so get over it!!!
January 25, 2018

Disney and Star Wars: The Last Jedi corrupted Rotten Tomatoes
January 23, 2018
Fakebook wants its users to vote on the truth of articles
January 20, 2018
Why Mark Hamill is bad ass and won’t take shit from J. J. Abrams and Disney
January 20, 2018
Suckers, doormats, and yes-sayers live side by side fat money cats, pedophiles and other predators on Hollywood sets producing crap movie franchises that everybody is going to watch eventually because… you cannot leave this planet, […]
Does America deserve a break from Newsweek?
January 19, 2018
A Message from President Trump to American Workers
January 19, 2018
Facebook announced it would also take a look into Brexit meddling from outside Russia
January 18, 2018