IMAGES and THUMBNAILS (in no particular order) used on during the year 2012:
Thorsten Pattberg thinks the shengren of East-Asia are largely overlooked.
Shengren translated in German as “Heiliger” (Wilhelm) and English (Legge) as “sage”; however, if cross-checked with a standard German-English/English-German dictionaries, a “Heiliger” was a “saint”, and a “sage” was a “Weiser”.
The diagram shows why there can never be an eternal winner, as each of the three aspects beats one but is beaten by another.
The shengren is the highest member in the East-Asian family-based value tradition, a sage that has the highest moral standards, called de, who applies the principles of ren, li, yi, zhi and xin (and 10 more), and connects between all the people as if they were, metaphorically speaking, his family.
Thorsten Pattberg’s East-West dichotomy
Is it really true, that our languages are just confounded?
Dr T Pattberg on Language Imperialism in China Today Magazine, March 2012
Ji Xianlin, the Chinese linguistic sage of Peking University
The ‘Hunnenrede’ by Kaiser Wilhelm
No Country for Sages (Pattberg)
German East Asiatic Society (OAG)
Germany: Land of “Dichter and Denker”
Holy Confucius!
The shengren of the Chinese traditions are just as big, or bigger than the buddhas
The East-West dichotomy revisited
Thorsten Pattberg and Wan Lixin discuss Chinese concepts and the difficulty of translating them, ShanghaiDaily April 26th 2012
Europas Begriff „Zivilisation“ ist eine Erfindung des 18. Jahrhunderts – von Dr. Thorsten Pattberg
‘Language and Empire: My Language, Your Prison’ -by Dr. Thorsten Pattberg, as seen on
Changing the names of the game by Thorsten Pattberg (Asia Times)
Ji Xianlin (季羡林; August 6, 1911 – July 11, 2009) and Wen Jiabao
Ji Xianlin
Thirty Years East of the River, Thirty Years West of the River, by Ji Xianlin; 三十年河东,三十年河西 sān shí nián hé dōng,sān shí nián hé xī
Confucius Statue in Beijing
Reg Little
Thorsten Pattberg’s Dead in Translation – The Attack on Asia’s Socio-Cultural Originality
A Newspaper Stall in Peking University
Imperialism and its many forms – Thorsten Pattberg
What is Language Imperialism? – by Thorsten Pattberg
Language Imperialism – It’s knowledge only if we know it!
TIME: Shengren? Only Western terminologies, please!
The Good Imperialism (A visual poem) – A list of all US military operations on foreign territory from 1801 to 2012.
Tokyo Sky Tree: “Kann man uns in Beijing sehen?”
The cyclops as a metaphor for Western civilization?
Ezra Vogel’s Biography of Deng Xiaoping
Thorsten Pattberg and Ezra Vogel, Harvard 2010
‘Being Different’ by Rajiv Malhotra: An Indian Challenge to Western Universalism
The “Churning of the Ocean” – book cover of ‘Being Different’
Rajiv Malhotra, the Indian-American author and public intellectual
Poster: Common Western ‘Shengren’ Translations – by Thorsten Pattberg
Gu Zhengkun [辜正坤], Peking University
Thorsten Pattberg’s ‘Language and Empire – My Language, Your Prison’
Pattberg – The Confucian Way of Europe
Dr Thorsten Pattberg on Language Imperialism
The East-West dichotomy Magic Funny Card
Chinese and Western Dragons – by Thorsten Pattberg
Chinese dragon LONG
Kong Yiji – by Lu Xun
Dead in Translation – by Thorsten Pattberg
Pattberg: What is wrong with Western ‘China Studies’ – Shanghai Daily
Interview with Thorsten Pattberg on Stop Imperialism
Europe and the path to a lofty (Confucian) pragmatism – by Thorsten Pattberg
Henk Tuten
Dr. Thorsten Pattberg (Peking University) explains the Western Embargo on Chinese Concepts and Names
Das große Lernen
Confucius is a shengren
Pattberg – The End of Translation
Why the West shuts out subtle Chinese concepts
Japanese and dogs are not ailowed [sic]
The Problem of Translation – by Thorsten Pattberg
Science Magazine: No Shengren, please!
Dr. Pattberg on Chinese Dragon Long
La hegemonía del lenguaje: ¡Es ‘shengren’, estúpido!, por Thorsten Pattberg
Pattberg: Science Magazine betreibt eine „WASP-Wortschatzpolitik“
Professor Dr. Chandra Muzaffar – End of Hegemony
Science Magazine führt eine „WASP-Wortschatzpolitik”
The End of Translation – by Thorsten Pattberg
Hans Kung and Thorsten Pattberg in Peking
The Real China Model – Mark Elliott
Pattberg as Saint Jerome, complete with the angel. The biblical Saint Jerome is known for his translation of the Hebrew Bible into Latin. Ironically, it was this ‘act of translation’ that ultimately paved the way for Christianity, and spelled the end to the Hebrew world.
A Confucian Christmas in China by T Pattberg (Asia Times)
Pattberg: Europe’s path to a New Humanism
Thorsten Pattberg: The Future of Translation and Global Language
Fatima Masumeh Shrine in Qom, the holy city and center for Shi’a scholarship in the world
T. Pattberg at the House of Imam Khomeini
The shrine of Fatema Mae’sume, Sister of Imam Ali Ibn Musarid in the holy city of Qom, center for Shi’a scholarship in the world
A. Doostdar (CISSC), A. Torkamanzehi (Vize-Chancellor), T. Pattberg (IAHS), A. Rezvani (Chancellor)
A. A. Zinatizadah (Head of International Affairs), T. Pattberg (IAHS), M. M. Khodaei (President), S. A. Mirhosseini (CISSC)