IMAGES and THUMBNAILS (in no particular order) used on during the year 2013:
Gu Zhengkun: Confucian Family Values as Universal Values
Vinay Lal
Frank Ching – Who is a Chinese? (Peking University, July 24, 2013)
Frank Ching
Roger T. Ames
Dr. Pattberg is the world’s leading thinker on Global Language and Language Imperialism, a promoter of Confucianism, and the author of ‘The East-West Dichotomy’ and ‘Shengren – Above Philosophy and Beyond Religion’. He is an alumnus of Peking University, The University of Tokyo, and Harvard University.
Haneda Masashi
Thorsten Pattberg Interview: On Academic Imperialism and Language Issues in China; photo: Dong Guisheng
Thorsten Pattberg The Future of Global Language and the Competition for Terminologies – Big Think
Ezra Vogel at Peking University, April 2013
Kaiser Kuo
T. Pattberg, Peking University, June 2013
Thorsten Pattberg – What is lingualism?
McGilchrist, Iain (2010), The Master and his Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Modern World, Yale University Press.
Tu Weiming – The Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies (IAHS) at Peking University
Wade Davis: Loss of Language and Cultural Diversity
Wasim Hussain – The China-Man of Frankfurt Airport
Chinese Statecraft
Not quite there yet, but on the way…
Thorsten Pattberg (D.Litt.) is a German writer, scholar, and cultural critic.
Tu Weiming wins Brilliance of China Award 2012
Tu Weiming and G K Chadha, June 2013
World Ethics Institute Beijing (WEIB): Third Sino-American Dialogue on Core Values Hold in Berkeley
Pattberg – English translations don’t do justice to ‘untranslatable’Chinese concepts
Public Lecture: Future of Global Language and Rise of Chinese Terminologies
Iain McGilchrist
Ezra Vogel Stanford Center, PKU 2013
Thorsten Pattberg – The East is a Promotion
LINGUALISM: The Competition for Terminologies
China Boosts Economic Arsenal with New World Bank and Intl Yuan Clout
Ezra Vogel
Translation History by Thorsten Pattberg
Inside Peking University: The Rise of the Junzi
Tu Weiming in Vienna at Hofburg Imperial Palace
John G Blair: Comparing China and the West
Thorsten Pattberg – China Daily – Making a nation s dream come true – Translation and Cultural Copyright
Is China’s Mistress Culture a Role Model for the West?
UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon is addressing the Beijing Forum 2013 (c) East-West Dichotomy
Pattberg – Rethinking the East West Dichotomy
裴德思, 北京大学: 促进中国术语使用的倡议书
Huo Long – Professional Translator, Activist, and Cultural Blogger
Language Is A Polyglot: The Future of Global Language
Robert Lane Greene and Thorsten Pattberg – On Chinese Terms
Pattberg at The University of Sistan and Baluchestan in Iran
Pattberg: Too many Chinese concepts and words co-opted and replaced by inferior Western examples.
Thorsten Pattberg – Author of the East-West dichotomy; photo: Dong Guisheng
Edward Wong and Thorsten Pattberg – The Future of Global Language
Ezra Vogel and Tu Weiming at Peking University, April 2013
Thorsten Pattberg 裴德思 at Peking University 2013
Karl Schlecht
2013年10月13日,首届乐教文化国际学术研讨会; Beijing Traditional Music Festival Conference 2013
“Machiavelli advised his prince in a fashion similar to an old Chinese master, or zi.” –Francesco Sisci
Thorsten Pattberg – Worldethics
Yasukuni Shrine ad in Tokyo’s Chuo Line on Dec 31, 2013.
Thorsten Pattberg: A Letter to Xi Jinping for A Call to Promote Chinese Terminologies
WANG Jisi I don’t see why we should not have some benign competition
Riccardo Pozzo – Re-Designing the History of Philosophy
Roger T Ames at Peking University: The Class of Ru
The End of Translation (Asia Times)
Pattberg Interview on Shengren Rujia and the Rise of Chinese Terminologies – BON TV
CNTV Brilliance of China Award Show on CCTV-1
Peking University hosts Wellesley faculty members and students at Diaoyutai State Guest House in Beijing
Thorsten Pattberg Rise of Junzi – Transcript
TU Weiming in Vienna – Tianxia – United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
Thorsten Pattberg in China Daily: Translations distort the reality
Tu Weiming: Doing Confucian Philosophy as a Spiritual Exercise