IMAGES and THUMBNAILS (in no particular order) used on during the year 2015:
Kawaii Culture in Tokyo Akihabara; Image credits: Tikal
Maybe, but Gordon Brown (1.8 m) is clearly taller than Kevin Rudd
Very open society: Japanese manga (comic) eroticism is a much thought-after tourist attraction in Akihabara – Electronic town district, Tokyo
DIE ZEIT staged a gigantic anti-China campaign with its China correspondent Angela Kockritz being the story herself: How she had to flee evil China. This story is one of the most bizarre media frauds ever to be conceived. When she didn’t get the global attention DIE ZEIT craved for, she was back in China in no time of course.
Lionel Blair & Nancy Kwan – ‘The World of Suzie Wong’ (1960) White American man falls in love with Asian prostitute
A common theme: The ‘Lying Press’ – The public rises up against massive (state and corporate) media propaganda, lies, and deception. The mass media demonizes all resistance movements, and condones hit pieces aimed at their leaders. Officially, Germany has no dissidents. In the underground, there is a war on the corrupt media.
Western terms are common sight in Japan; Japan must promote more key terms to the West; Image credits: Tikal
Western radical feminists HATE Japan for this: depicting women as cute little playthings.
Big Brother? Big Think in New York crushes down on ‘incorrect’ foreign views
“Joshua” Wong: Biblical Leader, Made in the West
A poster with Putin winking and the symbol of Russia (like the American Eagle), winking. Caption I think says, I am a friend of Putin; (c) Eric Arnow
“I won’t be long” scene from Full Metal Jacket (1987); the Western male dominance vs Asian female submission dichotomy reoccurs in literature, film, and academia
Buying influence: ‘First Prize’ for like-minded journalists
Noam Chomsky and George Yance drop bomb on US racism
Poster, 70 year anniversary of Victory; (c) Eric Arnow
Crazy ‘Hit piece’
Shibusawa Eiichi’s writings on Confucianism
The US president meeting Chinese students at Tsinghua University
Feminism extreme: Video games critic suggests US bombed Japan but failed to install feminism
Image credit: CRUSADERS PRAYING, by Albert Gato
DIE ZEIT (TIMES) massive CENSORSHIP of its articles’ comments sections is legendary. It’s a truly dehumanizing experience.
Emmas Sulkowicz Transforms her Life into a Work of Art: Resemblances to Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray?
Strange collectibles for ‘otakus’ (geeks) in toy shops in Nakano, Tokyo.
If you don’t sponsor me, that’s “oppression” – Ai Weiwei bullies LEGO into his political activism
Ai Weiwei gets mad at LEGO for not providing LEGO bricks to his Christmas PR art project. If you don’t provide the LEGO for my political art, that is “censorship”. Shame on you, LEGO. You must be a Chinese government collaborator.
Incompetent DIE ZEIT report reads ‘China: Police evacuates Tianjin… – Fake news. (Image source: cached version of the article. The original has been removed by DIE ZEIT.)
The US-Anglophone media hegemony as role model: “Press Soldiers” are dispatched to foreign nations like China in order to disrupt, distort, and demonize their governments.
Manga (comic) art is big in Japan, and marketed to adults mainly. Women are universally depicted as child-like and ‘kawaii’ (cute)
Young women sitting at Harajuka Station, Central Tokyo
Newly weds with the bridesmaid, on their honey moon is scenic Sevastopol; (c) Eric Arnow
Young maid waiting for customers. In ‘cuddle cafes’, salary men pay for “cuddling” with young maids (no sex, just intimacy)
Bazon Brock
Uniqlo Chinese Sex Tape a marketing ploy? Fat chance!
Angela Merkel is 1.65 m tall. Kevin Rudd looks more like 1.75 m than his “official” 1.79 m, next to her.
Pattberg: Western Media Obsessed with Joshua and Exodus in China
“…I did not have your email address nor any way of contacting you” –said the censoring body. Really?! Dishonest…or blind.
Japan launched ‘COOL Japan’ campaign in order to promote its culture, with little succes; BETTER APPROACH: better to promote Japanese key terminologies; Image credits: Tikal
Sitting the Chinese national entrance exam; Image source:
Ugly Western media campaign against toymaker LEGO reminds of the rise of National Socialism in 20th Century Europe: If you don’t join our political agenda and the mass media line, that must be because you are a traitor to our cause and a collaborator of a foreign government.
Western Press Soldiers in China: Bringing down the Chinese government?
Altes Propaganda Poster “Der ist schuld”. Hier abgeändert mit: Samy Amimour, one of the French terrorists who was a member of ISIS. France asked Germany to join the fight and “eradicate” the Islamic warriors.
From: Youtube – Loser Laowai, A black man’s experience in the Middle Kingdom
Thor Tukoll on Bribery in China (Video)
Angela Koeckritz and DIE ZEIT throw China tantrum: We are so oppressed
Pattberg: Western Media Obsessed with Joshua and Exodus in China [CLICK TO VIDEO]
Well yes, but what will US press soldiers and the Washington thought police say?
Escort services, hostess clubs, massage parlors, and mistress culture abundant in Tokyo
Orwellian Rules of Writing at The New York Times: Big Think posts on Facebook: “Language is Power”. Article later censored, profile taken down
Dexter Roberts Bloomberg – China Reporter
Confucianism in Japan: Tracing Shibusawa Eiichi’s Obsession with The Analects of Confucius, July 2015
Russia and the West hold different views on World History (Part 2) – by Eric Arnow
In this article of DIE ZEIT (TIMES), the journalist calls 10,000 protesters “A folk festival of racism”. Just like that. He knows that the 10,000 will never be given a platform to say anything back to him. To him, they are 10,000 cockroaches -extremists, racists, far-right wing Nazis and low-life. (Do you see the women and elderly in the photo?)
Fanart ‘Loser Laowai in China’, by Mya 2015
German media DIE ZEIT falsely propagates on Aug 15 that explosion in Binhai let China to “evacuate Tianjin“ (Image source: Google maps; distance between port and Tianjin city center about 40 km.)
Just like in the Popcorn movies: ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’
The Great Tokyo Air Raid and the Bombing of Civilians in World War II; Image source: The Asia-Pacific Journal, Focus Japan
G7 leaders gang-up China must obey “international laws”, or else…
War on the War on English – Zero Translation – Pattberg
The Picture of Dorian Gray Vs. The Mattress of Emma Sulkowicz
Rajiv Malhotra
There’s no way Keven Rudd is 1.79 m tall
Michael “the Knife” Forsythe (NYT), ready to take down the Chinese government
China’s Ai Weiwei feels entitled to abuse Christmas and the LEGO brand for his personal branding, and to get the greatest possible attention of the Western media. We believe that ‘LEGO politics’ is off-the-mark. Activist and dissidents, Leave the toys alone.
Hong Kong student leader Joshua Wong (C) AFP PHOTO / ALEX OGLE
Thorsten Pattberg (裴德思) with Liu Fangfei (刘芳菲)
Carly Fiorina – Why Much of the American Political Class Belong To The Dinosaurs
“By American standards, Japan is quite backwards.” ‘Are video games sexist and racist? Or is Japan?’ –J.J.McCullough/Youtube
The Mattress of Emma Sulkowicz – How Far Will She Go Next?
The Book Of Exodus
Noam Chomsky In – Thor Pattberg out: NY Times and NY Big Think crush down on foreign “incorrect views”
Christian Harbulot, French Expert on Economic Warfare: US is a War Machine
China’s left-behind generation – Pity the children; Economist, Oct 17th 2015
Daniel A Bell submits to NY Times Orwellian Rules of Writing , Teaching ‘Western Values’ in China
Press Soldiers at The New York Times. Chris Buckley is one of the meanest propagandist in China. In this pictures, he wants to see a Hitler salute to impress the German leader. (Source: his Twitter account)
UNIQLO Chinese T-Shirts (in white)
A group of little girls on parade on Youth day, a National holiday, May 19th; (c) Eric Arnow
Big Think’s Jason Gots has a big idea: He will censor your ideas if he doesnt like them
Mattress Girl Emma Sulkowicz’s Sex Video/ Rape Porn/ Art Project 2015
The iconic Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Red Square (c) Eric Arnow
What’s MERICS doing to independent scholarship and journalism? (F. Goya’s ‘Saturn Devours one of his children’)
New York Times uses elevator horror to shame Chinese government (Javier C Hernandez)
Stand: 01 Oct 2015
The media tyranny vs The people: German media cracks down on dissidents and critical voices – brushes them off as new Nazis and right-wingers
Victimhood fallacy is a the core of most pseudosciences and religious charlatanry: I am the son of God, and the king of the Jews, and because I was crucified that makes me ‘right’.
“I’m so horny” infamous Asian prostitute scene in Full Metal Jacket (1987); Asian plaything stereotypes are perpetuated by historical narrative, in literature, and in Western cinema
Incompetent DIE ZEIT report reads: China evacuates Tianjin after more explosions. Hilarious!
Pattberg on Tourism
Language Imperialism & The End of Translation (2015)
Ursula Gauthier justifies terrorist attacks by Uighur Muslims in Beijing, Baicheng, and elsewhere because the terrorists are so oppressed. Terrorists all over the world will be delighted to hear that the Foreign Correspondence Club in Beijing fully supports her.
Visiting Beijing Sihai Confucius Academy (from left to right:) Pei Songxian, Feng Zhe, Thorsten Pattberg
Dorian Gray – Before, and After
A Super Religion in the 21st Century
Corruption in China: Meditations on Salary, Mistresses, Confucianism, and Chinese Academia (03/2015)
Image source: NateTalksToYou
Mass media can’t get enough of ‘Sexism in Japan’ – The Japan Times (Incorp. The New York Times)
MERICS – How political ‘think tanks’ pose as ‘China Studies’ and curry favors with journalists
Pattberg: “For men and women of letters, racism seems but a trifle compared to the ongoing prejudices against foreign words.”
Loser Laowai films people in Shanghai’s metro / Youtube
Paul Nungesser Vs. Emma Sulkowicz – Die Wahrheit hat nichts damit zu tun
Professor Norbert Frei and journalist Matthias Nass want dissidents and critics censored and prosecuted, and opposition leaders blackmailed and coerced into compliance, or else…
Diary of a Mad Imperialist (2014)
A matter of taste: Underage girls in school uniform posing in front of tanks (it’s a popular franchise aptly named ‘Tanks and Girls’)