Harvard got caught AGAIN discriminating against Asian-American kids
East-Asians in America are on average smarter than their white and black and brown peers, but often can’t get into Harvard. They think they are entitled to. The only problem: Harvard has NO public mission and it is NOT a state institution. It ISN’T EVEN A PROPER “UNIVERSITY.”
If Harvard administrators write a letter defending academia, is all crap, lies, deception. Veritas my ass. Harvard is not about truth. Religion, cult, old boy schools, tradition, bullshitters, pseudosciences like feminism all make big money from Harvard. Of course the admission officers discriminate: affirmative action and quotas are racism.
RELATED Harvard is going to drop in world university rankings
The public believes that Harvard is a university, it is not!
Facing public outrage, Harvard will say what it always says: that it doesn’t belong to the people, that it is not a public institution but a private organization; therefore it does whatever it wants to maximize its profits. Didn’t Obama send his daughter to Harvard? Did you really believe she was smarter than the rest of the country; or do you realize like the rest of us: she’s entitled because her half-black dad is a former US-president. Think about it: It’s plain corruption. Everybody knows it. But as a private institution, you can do this any time, no problem, because children of ex-presidents will maximize school profits. [The daughter of the president of China also attended Harvard.]
The con job (deliberate propaganda, really) was to “sell” Harvard as a proper university in first place. It’s not. It’s like fish and whale. Wrong category. Sorry.