- Pattberg: “Wie Ein Sechser Im Lotto” (WA 6/2001)
- Chinese Erroneously Translated – German Scholar Thinks Shengren Are Overlooked
- Academia, Language, and Imperialism in China (Part One)
- Academia, Language, and Imperialism in China (Part Two)
- Das große Lernen
- Pattberg on Shengren, Ruxue and the Rise of Chinese Terminologies (BON.TV)
- Chinese Universities Vs Western Universities – The Current State of China’s Higher Education 2013
- West wants to know what China dreams (Pattberg Interview on Zhongguo Meng)
- China is taking a leap forward to control world currency (RT)
- Future will bring more Chinese words and concepts (Transcript)
- 裴德思:中国正快速的控制着世界货币
- On Hanban and the Confucius Institute Headquarters (BRICS Business Magazine, No 5/2014)
- 外国人眼里的中华文明 [此间]
- Thorsten Pattberg: Zero Translation – Chinese Names, Companies, and Brands (Global China)
- Der Konfuzius aus Bockum-Hövel
- Interview du Dr. Thorsten Pattberg, chercheur à l’Institut des études humanistes avancées de l’université de Beijing
- 裴德思发表了《怎样翻译中华文明核心词》一文后,我国的刘延东副总推广“中华思想术语问题”
- 裴德思《环球时报》说: 西方的“中国研究”中心在美国,而不是德国,也不是欧盟
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