US corporate media greatest war profiteer, as always
Washington desperately wants to go to war again (it is currently at war with seven countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, and Sudan). Against North Korea. What is the crime of North Korea? Having missiles. You are NOT allowed to have your own missiles to defend yourself against US Imperialism.
This time, however, the US war propaganda is MASSIVE, far exceeding previous North Korea war propaganda in 1999 and 2003 and 2016. Yes, for 18 years, US propaganda tells us that North Korea has missiles that could strike the USA and that the USA must act.
USA sees the world as nuclear pissing contest
Also, don’t believe for a minute the US patronizing concern for the people of South Korea or Japan, its allies, that might suffer from another Pacific War. Destruction begets rebuild. In every crisis there are massive opportunities. [And unborn or dead Japanese and Koreans can always be easily replaced with mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East.]

War with North Korea just too profitable to miss
All this massive US military presence in East Asia: It is unthinkable that all this ‘investment’ leads to nothing. Also: If the USA can invade North Korea, it will have direct borders with Russia and China. There is even more, awesome, new war potential in that. The US can’t miss out on endless profitable war opportunities in the future!
Ironically, North Korea has never attacked anyone. On the contrary, it looks like it is defending itself against US imperialism. And because that’s hopeless, it turned into an isolated cult and dictatorship. It’s simple sociology. You could also say: The USA partly created the North Korea problem. North Korea could have thrived and prospered if the USA had not sanctioned it, contained it, frozen its accounts and assets abroad, and terrorized it.
War as important to USA as TV and Food Consumption
RELENTLESS FAKE NEWS and ENEMY PROPAGANDA during the last 18 years!!!
2003: CNN, the Crap News Network, reported that “North Korea has ballistic Missile capable of hitting U.S.”
1999: The Queen Bee of all Fake New Media, The New York Times, reported: “NK developing ballistic missiles capable of hitting the USA.”