HSBC cocks a snook at Hong Kong

HSBC HQ cocks a snook at Hong Kong (Corporate e-fang)

February 26, 2016 0

HSBC HQ should ideally stay in London. HK is not longer a B-colony! LONDON – In summer 1997, Hong Kong was returned to China. It […]

Its the East Asians The East Asians Hilary Clinton Logic

Hilarious Clinton: It’s the East-Asians! THE EAST-ASIANS!

February 25, 2016 0

TOKYO – Hilary Clinton has spotted some evil spirits in the Pacific: China and Japan. Those nations, as most Americans are taught by US flagship […]

It's a metaphor. Background breaking news: BILD, FAZ, ZEIT, FOCUS, ARD, Focus

Empress Without Pants – Merkel Under Complete US/NSA Surveillance

February 24, 2016 0

BERLIN – First the good news: Ideas about US/NSA total surveillance of 80 million Germans – their politics, their businesses, their phone calls, their emails […]

We've got to talk about it New York Times Propaganda

The Importance to Make a Noise about New York Times Propaganda

February 23, 2016 0

NEW YORK – So, you study the New York Times, while abroad, paper or online, and your brain feels instantly offended by some blatant, self-serving […]

Manufacturing Revolt in Hong Kong - NYT

Why the NY Times promotes violence in Hong Kong

February 22, 2016 0

Yes, but violence is not ok. Don’t promote it. … NEW YORK – It is no secret that the New York […]

Mr Chan is correct on this

Jackie Chan is correct: US most corrupt

February 21, 2016 0

Jackie Chan earned his career and has probably nothing to lose (or so he thinks): Says US most corrupt. Now guess what’s happening to him… […]

Wester press sympathizes with Hong Kong riots Image source CCTV

Why the Western media back Hong Kong riots

February 20, 2016 0

HONG KONG – Until the Chinese New Year riots in Hong Kong, the ‘Western spy pod’, our ‘press soldiers‘ were completely determined to subvert China, […]

Jetzt auch Daimler - USA kassieren die Deutsche nab

Nach VW jetzt auch Daimler: USA kassieren die Deutschen ab!

February 19, 2016 0

Amerika, heute schon geklagt und abkassiert? Nein?! Dann aber los! Bei den Deutschen ist was zu holen! Daimler war nur eine Frage der Zeit. Alle […]

stopdavidbond and youtube japan petition

#StopDavidBond – some thoughts

February 17, 2016 0

Dear Kathy, Actually, yes, I might do that. [Spreading word about the petition]. Although, I should mention here that nobody in high places in the […]

Children from age 3 to 13 study at Beijing Sihai Confucius Academy (bording school)

On Chinese Parenting

February 17, 2016 0

Ah, Chinese parenting! It’s quite impressive. They do without God and religion. They worship someone else. The majority of traditional Chinese just don’t care for […]

Liu Xiaobo Plaza ok

On Chinese Terms: Nothing wrong with ‘Liu Xiaobo Plaza’ – Anything you say, U.S.A.!

February 16, 2016 0

WASHINGTON – Naming anything after its Chinese originator is a perfectly good thing in and for itself. Instead of zooming on petty politics, let us look […]

February 15, 2016

TOKYO – White man’s exploitation of Asian women has an illustrious history. Although rampant everywhere in East-Asian from Thailand to Vietnam, from China to Japan,

America's CNN doesn't like China's CCTV very much.

CNN’s Anti-Chinese Propaganda Explained

February 10, 2016 0

CNN propaganda trash-talks CCTV’s Chinese New Year TV party. Widely known fact: CNN propaganda is far more malignant and confrontational. And CNN is not ashamed of […]

Fine Brothers React World If you have a great idea dont tell everyone

World Domination? Fine Brothers ignored first lesson in business: Don’t tell everyone, just do it!

February 9, 2016 0

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt”. -Sun Tzu, The Art of War Lesson for […]

Roll over boy I have to make everyone aware of the refugees plight

Desperate Ai Weiwei steals show from dead toddler on the beach

February 7, 2016 0

NOW we are aware of the refugees’ plight! Thank you fat arrogant man. Ai Weiwei steals the show from the dead Syrian toddler. Talking about […]

The University of Hong Kong Logo

East-West Dichotomy spotted in Hong Kong University Library (2016)

February 6, 2016 0

TO BE PRECISE, this is about the Foreign Language Press 2013 edition. The first draft of ‘The East-West Dichotomy’ was written in 2006 at Edinburgh […]

History of Japan by Bill Wurtz

Bill Wurtz’s ‘History of Japan’ Goes Viral (9 minutes of creative genius!) [Video]

February 4, 2016 0

TOKYO – Everyone’s hysterical about this over-simplified, yet amazingly clarifying genius video about the ‘History of Japan’ made by a certain voice artist Bill Wurtz who’s […]

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