The war of liberation from evil Lord Sauron of Mordor and his swamping Middle Earth with trillions of illegal orcs and uruk-hai could never have succeeded if our heroes were all retards and cucks, politically correct snowflakes and virtue signalers, radical feminists and social justice warriors. Like those people of Gondor were. Gondor, the city of cuckolds.
So, this LOTR meme and #NotAllOrcs hashtag got very trending and illustrates–with a good dose of elvish humor–how the political Left would have…if could have… told the Lord of the Rings saga. I’m sure you will come across many many more:
1: The Walls are too high
2: OMG!
3: See the greater picture
4: Until affirmative action
5: Hate speech
6: Mind worm
7: Only got yourself to blame
8: We must control social media
9: Refugees
10: Be a man
11: Damn it, Theoden
12: Single incidences
13: Elvish guilt
14: People should be able to live wherever they want
15: Fake News
16: Hate crime
17: Conspiracy theory
18: And he was probably mentally unstable anyway
19: No evidence of a wider network
20: Party Pooper
21: Bravo!
22: Genocide?
23: Gondor is sooo racist
24: Culture shock, will pass
25: Pray for the terror victims
26: All is social construct
27: Borders = fascism
28: Oh no he didn’t!
29: Populist
Image sources: All images are in the public domain. You can create your own LOTR memes HERE and HERE.