Why Mark Hamill is bad ass and won’t take shit from J. J. Abrams and Disney

Suckers, doormats, and yes-sayers live side by side fat money cats, pedophiles and other predators on Hollywood sets producing crap movie franchises that everybody is going to watch eventually because… you cannot leave this planet, can you?

Last Jedi Strikes Back at Hollywood

Even the Star Wars story, which is supposed to be about freedom and the liberation from Empire, is now corrupted and run by the Disney corporation. This is bad news for the actors/stars of the original Star Wars Trilogy from the 80s. George Lucas, the creator, was fired. Han Solo, the rogue pirate, killed. Princess Leia, the hottie of the show, died of obesity and depression. Only Luke Skywalker still walks around, in life and on the screen. And, boy, is he unhappy with how things are done in Disneywood today.

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Frustration with a Corrupt, Politicized Film Industry

The truth for grumpy old Star Wars fans is probably this: Mark Hamill is redundant for the series, but the social justice warriors still have to ruin and kill his character Luke in cinemas across the world. So, director J. J. Abrams HAD TO invite a disillusioned, old fart Mark Hamill back to the newly feminized, cultural diversified Star Wars Trash: The Last Jedi, even though the unstable Jedi-actor would use every opportunity in public to air his frustration over his character’s “Disney” revisionism.

The Last Jedi Goes Off with a Fart

Cynical and disappointed. Oh yes. Hamill is the Last Star. Most other actors… a soup of political corrects, affirmative action Blacks, Browns, Latinos and Asian persons fighting against the ‘New Order’–a white men’s supremacy boys club. Hamill’s obnoxious line as Luke Skywalker: “It’s time for the Jedis to end.” The actor objected to this. That’s not me Luke, that’s not the Jedi Way. It’s heresy. The makers objected to Luke’s objections, of course. But you can still enjoy Mark Hamill punching Disney forever in the face: