Dialogue among Civilizations, Not a Western Monologue (University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Iran)

Pattberg at The University of Sistan and Baluchestan in Iran

Pattberg at The University of Sistan and Baluchestan in Iran

The Dialogue among Civilizations and how to Not make it a Western Monologue

Where: University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran

When: Dec 1, 2012 (15-17 pm)

Organizer: Organizer: Dr. A. Doostdar, President of the Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC); Dr. S. A. Mirhosseini (CISSC)

HostA. Rezvani (Chancellor), A. Torkamanzehi (Vize-Chancellor), University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran

Abstract: From grassroots movements like the many ‘East-West’ centers or conferences to big institutions like the United Nations, many people talk about the so-called ‘Dialogue among Civilizations’. Most of that dialogue is in English. What’s in there for the non-West?

Purpose: Real dialogue must respect foreign cultural originality, key terminologies, names, titles and so on.

Why: Examples from the New York TimesNature, and Science Magazine will be given how those and other aligned Anglo-Saxon media often promote a strict English only policy that effectively prevents undesirable cultures and their terminologies to enter the Western public sphere.

What’s the difference: Our knowledge(s) of each other would expand and enrich, which is the opposite of the current mainstream to simply translate all foreign originality into approximates of the English language.

Scenario: A thought-scenario will be given in which Europe, in particular Germany, adopt the Chinese tradition and import Chinese terminologies and taxonomies. Evidently, there will be observable differences; hence language matters more than most educated people would readily admit.

Big idea: Real dialogue doesn’t avoid foreign terminologies; it tries to accommodate them.

Thank you!

Key words: Dialogue among civilizations, Western monologue, loanwords, English acronyms, originality, cultural creativity, linguistic imperialism, Iran, Zahedan, Scientific Studies, CISSC, Pattberg, Global Language, public intellectuals, Eastern languages, Persian