Dialogue among Civilizations, Not a Western Monologue (University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Iran)

Pattberg at The University of Sistan and Baluchestan in Iran
The Dialogue among Civilizations and how to Not make it a Western Monologue
Where: University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran
When: Dec 1, 2012 (15-17 pm)
Organizer: Organizer: Dr. A. Doostdar, President of the Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC); Dr. S. A. Mirhosseini (CISSC)
Host: A. Rezvani (Chancellor), A. Torkamanzehi (Vize-Chancellor), University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran
Abstract: From grassroots movements like the many ‘East-West’ centers or conferences to big institutions like the United Nations, many people talk about the so-called ‘Dialogue among Civilizations’. Most of that dialogue is in English. What’s in there for the non-West?
Purpose: Real dialogue must respect foreign cultural originality, key terminologies, names, titles and so on.
Why: Examples from the New York Times, Nature, and Science Magazine will be given how those and other aligned Anglo-Saxon media often promote a strict English only policy that effectively prevents undesirable cultures and their terminologies to enter the Western public sphere.
What’s the difference: Our knowledge(s) of each other would expand and enrich, which is the opposite of the current mainstream to simply translate all foreign originality into approximates of the English language.
Scenario: A thought-scenario will be given in which Europe, in particular Germany, adopt the Chinese tradition and import Chinese terminologies and taxonomies. Evidently, there will be observable differences; hence language matters more than most educated people would readily admit.
Big idea: Real dialogue doesn’t avoid foreign terminologies; it tries to accommodate them.
Thank you!
Key words: Dialogue among civilizations, Western monologue, loanwords, English acronyms, originality, cultural creativity, linguistic imperialism, Iran, Zahedan, Scientific Studies, CISSC, Pattberg, Global Language, public intellectuals, Eastern languages, Persian