On German Basic Music Education (Chinese Academy of Music)
- 2013年10月13日,首届乐教文化国际学术研讨会; Beijing Traditional Music Festival Conference 2013
裴德思 (Pattberg, Thorsten): On German Basic Music Education
[Transcript/Summary] Thank you very much for your interest in German music education. We are going to talk about the typical German education that most children and teenagers should expect in Germany. But first let us recall why German education is interesting for Chinese scholars: First, Germany is the homeland of the Germanic cultures which include the Scandinavians and various other Germanic tribes like the Anglo and the Saxons. Second, the Germans are the descendants of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation. Last, German culture is rich of folklore and fairy tales, like those of the Grimm Brothers. Goethe, the great German poet, referred the Germans as people of the forests. This all lends greatly to the imaginations of Chinese scholars when they study the history of Germany. And all those aspects of Germany mentioned above, the Germanic origin, the Christian tradition, and the folkloric way, greatly influence German educational ways, which includes the musical education. (There are other influences on musical education, such as the classics and the military tradition, but those won’t be discussed here). There are three main institutions that shape education for the young the most: the state, the church, and society (which include parents, family, and the community). We shall hear various examples that should give a basic notion about how Germany maintains and preserves its own cultural tradition and peculiarities in midst globalization. Our investigation will be concluded by three findings: That state and church both provide basic (music) education; that intermediate and advanced music skills are left to the individual (which means there is almost none state selection like, say, in former East Germany or the Soviet Union); and that German education, including musical education, is fixed on Germany and Europe and thus, broadly speaking, remains essentially ‘Eurocentric’ to this day. […] [GO TO PROGRAM]
Program Info:
2.会议:2013年10月13日9点30分至18点 (北京“京民大厦”会议厅)