Shengren – Appendices
Table 1: Traits of the Sage: Some of the most important character traits (in English language) of the Chinese sheng(ren) or “Chinese sage” could be summarized as the following, according to Confucius, Mencius, Laozi, Mozi, Tu, Gu, Taylor, Schwarz (all taken from quotes in this text):
Traits of the Sage |
pursuing the course of the mean, spiritual being, highest virtue, love for learning, respectfulness, gentility, kindness, practice propriety, wisdom, harmony, balance, self-cultivation, filial piety, ancestor worship, spiritual teachings (meditation, mind-body practice), awareness of oneness, ideal personality, high level of human perfection, ordering and harmonizing of the world, embracing the way (the One), a model for the empire, modest, conspicuous, not consider himself right, does not content, does not boast, at peace with others, never losing sight of the humanity that unites him with all other members of society |
Table 2: Confucius in Wikipedia (first paragraph of each article, last access: 06/2010):
English Wikipedia | German Wikipedia | Chinese Wikipedia | French Wikipedia |
Confucius (Chinese: 孔子; pinyin: Kǒn zǐ; Wade-Giles: K’ung-tzu, or Chinese: 孔夫子; pinyin: Kǒng Fūzǐ; Wade-Giles: K’ung-fu-tzu), literally “Master Kong,”[1] (traditionally September 28, 551 BCE – 479 BCE)[2][3] was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese thought and life. |
Konfuzius – latinisiert aus 孔夫子, Kǒng Fūzǐ, W.-G. K’ung-fu-tzu „Lehrmeister Kong“, (chin. 孔子, Kǒng Zǐ, W.-G. K’ung-tzǔ „Meister Kong“, auch als Kung-tse[1] oder Kong-tse[2] transkribiert) – war ein chinesischer Philosoph zur Zeit der Östlichen Zhou-Dynastie. Er lebte vermutlich von 551 v. Chr. bis 479 v. Chr. und wurde unter dem Namen Kong Qiu ( 孔丘, W.-G. K’ung Ch’iu) in der Stadt Qufu im chinesischen Staat Lu (der heutigen Provinz Shandong) geboren, wo er auch starb.
Confucius (Chin.: 孔夫子, pinyin: kǒngfūzǐ, Wade-Giles: K’ung-fu-tzu ou bien 孔子, pinyin: kǒngzǐ), né le 28 septembre 551 av. J.-C. à Zou (陬) et mort le 11 mai 479 av. J.-C. à Qufu (曲阜), est le personnage historique ayant le plus marqué la civilisation chinoise. Considéré comme le premier «éducateur» de la Chine, son enseignement a donné naissance au confucianisme, une doctrine politique et sociale qui a été érigée en “religion d’État” dès la dynastie Han et qui ne fut officiellement bannie qu’au début du XXe siècle. […] il est généralement appelé Kǒngzǐ (孔子) ou Kǒng Fūzǐ (孔夫子) par les Chinois, ce qui signifie «Maître Kong» et qui a été latinisé en “Confucius” par les Jésuites. |
Table 3: Shengren in German Online Sources:
Source |
Translation of shengren |
English Meaning | – The Largest German Open Library Online (2011)/ based on Wilhelm, Richard (1914): Kungfutse: Lun Yu – Gespräche, Eugen-Diederichs-Verlag, Düsseldorf/Köln | 1.14.41 Wonach der Philosoph trachtet: Der Meister sprach: Ein Edler, der […] |
The philosopher
A noble (man)… |
Brockhaus (1906-1911), Brockhaus’ Kleines Konversations-Lexikon, 5th edition, Vol. 1, Brockhaus, Leipzig, in | Konfuzius […], chines. Philosoph und Religionslehrer […] | Chinese philosopher and religious leader |
Kramers, Robert Paul (1979), Konfuzius, Chinas entthronter Heiliger?, Lang, Bern | Chinas entthronter Heiliger | China’s dethroned saint |
Flad, Johann (1904), Konfuzius, der heilige Chinas in christlicher Beleuchtung, C. Belser, Zürich | Konfuzius, der heilige Chinas […] | The holy man of China… |
Schwanfelder, Werner (2006), Konfuzius im Management: Werte und Weisheit im 21. Jahrhundert, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt |
Berater Ratgeber seit 2500 Jahren |
Coach, Counselor for 2500 years |
Stange, Hans. O. H. (1965-2004), 14th edition, Die Weisheiten des Konfuzius – Aus dem chinesischen Urtext übertragen, Insel Verlag, Berlin | Der Edle | The noble (man) |
Fiederling, Johannes (2009), Konfuzius im Herzen – Alte Weisheiten für die moderne Welt, Translation of Yu Dan’s Confucius – From the Heart: Ancient Wisdom for Today’s World, Droemer/Knaur, München | Der Edle | The noble (man) |
Cordes, Ulrike (2009), Die Berliner Literaturkritik, 1st Sep 2009, |
Der chinesische Wandergelehrte
Ideal des Edlen |
The Chinese Travel Scholar
The ideal of the Noble (man) |
Rötz, Heiner (1994, 2006), Konfuzius, 3. edition, Verlag C. H. Beck, München
Der Paedagoge, der verhinderte Politiker, der Philosoph
„hat Konfuzius sich nicht als grossen „Denker“ gesehen […] Moralische Person […] als Ziel, ein |
The educator, the frustrated politician, the philosoph
“Confucius did not consider himself a great “thinker” Person of high morals […] the goal is to become a |
Table 4: Shengren translations in The Analects from 1649 to 2009:
German book |
Title for Confucius | Transl. of sheng(ren) | Transl. of jun(zi) |
Varenio, Bernhardo, Med. D. (1649), Tractatus de laponiorum religion; de Christianǽ religionis introduction in ea loca; de ejusdem exstirpatione, Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, Amstelodamt | Philosopher, 269 (is understood) | N/A | N/A |
Thevenot, M. Melchisedec (1669), Relations de Divers Voyages Curieux, Qu’I N’ont Point Este Publie’es, Thomas Moette Libraire, Paris
Philosopher, 8 ff. (understood); le grand maistre, a Illustre, au Sage Roy des Lettres, 22; Magno Magistro, Illustri Literatum Regi, 17 |
Un homme Sage, 24 (a wise man) |
Ludovico Magno et. al. (1687), Confucius Sinarum Philosophus, Sive Scientia Sinensis, Latine Exposita, studio & opera: Intorcetta, Prosperi; Herdtrich, Christiani; Rougemont, Francisci; Couplet, Philippi, Danielem Horthemels, via Jacobaea, Parisiis
(1., 2. and 4. book) |
Philosopher, Aij/B, B, G cxviij ff. |
çem-çu (!), G23-25, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35 ff. No clean distinction between zhizhe (wise man), tianzi (prince), junzi (superior man), shanren (good man), and shengren (sage) etc., but hominum naturae (the natural man) (Ludovico Magno, 1678, p. 33) or imminent istiusmodi personae (the proper person) (p. 33), superioribus, 26
Scientiae Sinicae – Liber Tertius – Lún Yú
(3. book), in Ludovico Magno (1687), Sinarum Philosophus |
Confucius | Monimentisque Priscorum Sapientum (Ancient Sage), 88 |
Virtutum magis illustrium, 126
(Illustre of highest virtue) |
Taylor, Randal (1691), The Morals of Confucius – A Chinese Philosopher, who flourished above five Hundred Years before the coming of Christ; Being of the choicest Pieces of Learning remaining of that Nation, Randal Taylor, London | A Chinese Philosopher, 2, 10, 20, 44, 104, 109, 131, 144; saint, 30, 41, 42; head doctor, 42 |
Saints, 118; perfection, 133; (not quite) philosophers, 20
[kings = shengren?] |
The perfect man, 99 ff., 103 ff.; most illustre personage, princes, 5, 53, 58
[princes = junzi?] |
Intorcetta, Prospero, et al. (1691), The morals of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher who flourished above five hundred years before the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: being one of the most choicest pieces of learning remaining of that nation; From the Latin: Confucius Sinarum philosophus (1690), Reproduction of original in British Library, Printed for Randal Taylor, London;
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI 1999 |
A Chinese Philosopher, 1 ff.; The Illustrious King of the Learned; The Saint, 27; Master of Kings and Emperors, 27 (and other eulogies) |
Philosophers, 110 (?)
The first Perfection, The State of the Saint, 88 (or junzi? Not clear) |
The perfect Man, 96; the Good Man, 122 (?); a Wise Man, 110, 123 ff. (maybe zhi?)
Most Illustrious Personages, 32; Prince, 34-37 ff. (no clear distinction between junzi and tianzi); thus person being perfected, 37; a perfect Man, 68 (keeps the Mean [in Zhong Yong]) |
Diogenes Laertius (1761), Les vies des plus illustres philosophes de l’antiquité, Traduites du grec de Diogènes Laerce, Auxquelles on a ajouté la Vie de l’auteur, celles d’Epictete, de Confucius, & leur morale, etc., 3 Vol., J. H. Schneider, Amsterdam | Philosophe, 107 ; saint, 109 | Saint Héros (saint kings), les Sages, 171, 172; le sage, 174, 175, 176, 177, 182, 183 ff., 187 (no distinction between shengren and junzi) |
le sage, 174, 175, 176, 177, 182, 183 ff. ;les gens de bien, 187
Schott, Wilhelm (1826), Werke des tschinesischen Weisen KUNG-FU-DSU und seiner Schüler, Erstenmal aus der Ursprache ins Deutsche übersetzt, Rengerschen Verlags-Buchhandlung, Halle | Der Weise | Staatsmann, 55; ein heiliger Mann, 69 | Achtungswerther Mann, Ehrenmann, 41, 44 |
Gowan, William (1835), The Phenix – A Collection of Old and Rare Fragments: The Morals of Confucius, The Chinese Philosopher […], William Gowan, New York
(Gowan published the Intorcetta version, 1691) |
A Chinese Philosopher, 1 ff.; The Illustrious King of the Learned; The Saint, 27; Master of Kings and Emperors, 27 (and other eulogies) |
Philosophers, 110 (?)
The first Perfection, The State of the Saint, 88 (or junzi? Not clear) |
The perfect Man, 96; the Good Man, 122 (?); a Wise Man, 110, 123 ff. (maybe zhi?)
Most Illustrious Personages, 32; Prince, 34-37 ff. (no clear distinction between junzi and tianzi); thus person being perfected, 37; a perfect Man, 68 (keeps the Mean [in Zhong Yong]) |
Pauthier, M. G. (1858), Confucius et Mencius, Charpentier, Libraire-Éditeur, Paris | Le Philosophe (du philosophe chinois) | Un saint, 134, 138, 146 | Un saint homme, 138, L’homme supérieur, 140, 146, 189 |
Legge, James (1861-1872), The Chinese Classics in 7 Vols., Confucian Analects – published 1861-1872, ed. with notes by Ogaeri, Yoshio (1950), Bunki Shoten, Tokyo | Confucius | A sage, 42, 48, 50, 59, 133 | The superior man, 59, 133 |
Loomis, Rev. A. W. (1867), Confucius and the Chinese Classics – Readings in Chinese Literature, A. Roman & Company, New York | The sage, 60,61 ff.; Chinese Sage, 393 ff. | Sages, 56, 73, 146, 147, 208, 228, 393 ff. | Superior man, 96, 98-102,140- 147, 145 ff., 304 |
Legge, Rev. James (1877), Confucianism in Relation to Christianity – A Paper Read Before the Missionary Conference in Shanghai, Kelly & Walsh, London | Confucius | N/A | N/A |
Watters, T. (1879), H. M.’s Consul for Wuhu, A Guide to the Tablets in a Temple of Confucius, American Presbyterian Mission Press, Shanghai | The Sage | Sages, vii ff. | Model man, 11 |
MacGowan, Rev. John (1889), Christ or Confucius, Which? Or, The Story of the Amoy Mission, London Missionary Society, John Snow & Co., London | The great sage of China, 18, 74, 91, 201 | N/A | N/A |
Wilde, Oscar (1890, 1997), A Chinese Sage, mermaid turbulence, Dublin | The Sage, 17 | Sages, 3 ff., 20 | The perfect man, 14, 20 |
Legge, Rev. James (1893), The Chinese Classics, Vol. I-V, Oxford University Press, Oxford | The Sage | Sages, 6.30; 7.26; 7.34; 9.6; 16.8; 19.12 | The superior man, 6.24 ff. |
Giles, Herbert A. (1898), A Chinese Bibliographic Dictionary, E. J. Brill, Leyden | Philosopher (K’ung), 398; Sage 398-401 | Sages, 401 | N/A |
Smith, Arthur H. (1900), Chinese Characteristics, Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier, Edinburgh | Confucius; sage 254, 255, 267, 309, 311 | N/A | Superior man, 179, 283, 309 |
Grube, Wilhelm (1902), Geschichte der chinesischen Litteratur, C. F. Amelangs Verlag, Leipzig
Confucius 15 ff., 32; Philosoph, 16; der Edle, 80 |
Ideal eines Mannes von höchster Bildung und vollendeten Umgangsformen, 24; Herrscherideale (Yao and Shun), 26; vorbildliche Person, 27;
Höchstheilige im Reiche”, “Höchstwahrhaftige im Reiche, 94-95 |
Der Edle, 83, 84 |
Cranmer-Byng, L., Kapadia, S. A. (1910), The Sayings of Confucius, E. P. Dutton and Company, New York | Prince of philosophers, the wisest and most consummate of sages […] His sagacity put the most illustrious of ancient and modern philosophers to shame, 9 | A divine man, 61; supernatural beings, 59; distinguished, 64; philosopher, 87; divine prophet, 88; a Prophet, so richly has he been endowed by God; 88 | The true gentleman, 56; the nobler sort of man, 57, 65, 69-70; a princely man, 61, 67, 94; the virtuous man, 59; man of true distinction, 64; the higher type of man, 68 |
Wang Ching-Dao (1912), Confucius and New China, Confucius’ Idea of the State and its Relation to the Constitutional Government, Commercial Press Ltd., Shanghai (he is in Berlin) | A politician, 22 (explicitly!); The Chinese sage, 6, 19; An ancient Chinese, 20 | N/A (confusing, calling shi a sage, 31 | Man of perfect virtue, 12 |
Soothill, E. (1913), The Three Religions of China – Lectures delivered at Oxford, Oxford University Press, Oxford |
The sage Confucius, 9
Sages, 63, 70-72, 240, 274 | Noble Man, junzi, 237 |
Wilhelm, Richard (1914), Kungfutse – Gespräche [Lunyu], Eugen Diederichs, Jena | Konfuzius | Gott, iv; einer der dem Volke reiche Gnade spendend, 60; göttlich, 60; zu einem Gott inspiriert mit göttlicher Autoritäet und Kraft des Geistes, 60 (in the notes); Genie, 88, 114; wenn der Himmel im Gelegenheit gibt, wird er sich als Genie beweisen, 88; die großen Männer, 187 | Der Weise, xx; der Edle, xxi, 75, 89, 169, 187 |
Haas, Hans (1920), Konfuzius in Worten aus seinem eigenen Mund, J. C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung, Leipzig | Konfuzius; Morallehrer, 30 | Der Edle, 46; Wesen der Edlen, 48 (he does not make the destinction between shengren and junren), Heilige, 49 | Hochgestellter, 44; der Edle, 44, 46, 49; der edle Pfad, 48 |
Haas, Hans (1920), Lao-tsze und Konfuzius – Einleitung in ihr Spruchgut, J. C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung, Leipzig |
Konfuzius, 1 ff.; Philosoph, 26
(he calls him a variety of other names) |
Die Heiligen, 14 | |
Lyall, Leonard A. (1925), The Sayings of Confucius, Longmans, Green and Co., London | Confucius | Holiness, 26, 31; a holy man, 30; the holy, 79 | The gentleman, 1 ff. |
Wilhelm, Richard (1925), Kung-Tse – Leben und Werk, Frommanns Verlag, Stuttgart | Philosopher (but not in the European sense, 64 | Die Heiligen, 165 | Der Edle, 66 |
Giles, Herbert A. (1926), Confucianism and It’s Rivals – Lectures delivered in The University Hall of Dr. Williams’s Librabry, October-December 1914, Constable & Company Ltd., London | The divinest of men, 66 | Legendary beings, sentient heroes, 71; great sages, 73 | Superior man, 72, 73, 82 |
Brown, Brian (1927), The Story o Confucius – His Life and Sayings, with Introduction by Yu Sang, David McKay Company, Philadelphia | Confucius | Sage, 84, 177; The man with the most perfect divine moral nature […]. He is equal of God, 169-170 | Gentleman, 84; Superior man, 86, 135, 136 ff.; the great man (is catholic-minded), 142 |
Pound, Ezra (1928, 1947, 1950), Confucius – The Great Digest, The Unwobbling Pivot, The Analects, New Directions Publishing Corporation, New York | Philosopher, 19 ff. | Sage, 218, 229; sage man, 222 | Proper man, 224, 229; gentleman, 229 |
Biallas, Franz Xaver (1928), Konfuzius und Sein Kult, Pekinger Verlag, Peking/Leipzig |
Konfuzius; Der Alte, 11, 12 ff.
(calls Confu- cianism a cult) |
Die Heiligen, 43 ff., 120 | Der Adlige, der “Edle” Gün-dsi, 43 ff. |
Starr, Frederick (1930), Confucianism – Ethics, Philosophy, Religion, Covici-Friede Publishers, New York | The Sage | – | The true gentleman, 37 |
Danton, George H. & Annina (1931), Confucius and Confucianism by Richard Wilhelm, Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York | Confucius; philosopher, 90, 92 | N/A – mixed up with junzi, holy men of antiquity, 162 |
Sage, 161, 174-176; Superior man (for Wilhelm’s “höhere Mensch”), [The Philosopher (for “Der Weise”), 42, 46 note: probably translated from zhi/knowing (18.6)] |
Hsü, Leonard Shihlien (1932), The Political Philosophy of Confucianism – An Interpretation of the Social and Political Ideas of Confucius, his Forerunners, and his early Disciples, Curzon Press, London | Sage, vii ff. | Ancient sages, 30; social geniuses, 30; holy or sainted man, 114 | The superior man, 13 ff. |
Creel, Herrlee Glessner (1932), Was Confucius Agnostic?, Brill, Leiden | Sage, 56, 61, 79, 99 (he relentlessly talks about the philosophy of…, 98-99 | N/A | Superior man, 85 (from Legge); |
Bernard, Henri s. j. (1935), Sagesse Chinoise et Philosophie Chrétienne – Eassai sur leurs relations historiques, Procure de la Mission de Sienshien, Tientsin | Le Sage des Sages, 27 | Les Sages, les Saints, 50 ff. ; Saints par nature, 54 | L’Homme Supérieur, 50 ff.; Saints par l’étude, 54 |
Johnston, Reginald F. (1935), Confucianism and Modern China – The Lewis Fry Memorial Lectures 1933-1934, Victor Gollancz Ltd., London | The Sage | The sage, 16 ff. | The Gentleman, 207 |
Hsieh, Tehyi (1936), Confucius Said It First, Chinese Service Bureau, Boston | The sage, 40 ff. | – | The princely man, 59, 61; the superior man, 78-82 |
Soothill, William E. (1937), The Analects or The Conversations of Confucius with his Disciples and Certain Others, Oxford University Press, Oxford | The Sage, v ff. | A sage, 58, 69 ff.; The being inspired, 82 | The noble man, 70; nobleness of character, 82; a man of higher order, the superior man, 162 |
Lin, Yutang (1938), The Wisdom of Confucius, The Modern Library, New York | “The body of the Sage” (e. g. Confucius is the body and his disciples are the limbs) | The Sage, the true man, 162; true manhood, 165; saint, 179 | The superior man, 153 ff., the moral man, 102; the gentleman, 154, 179 |
Pan, Stephen C. Y. (1938), A brief survey of Confucius’ Political Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, reprinted in The New Scholasticism, Vol. XII No. 2, Washington | Sage, 150, 155 | N/A | N/A |
Crow, Carl (1938), Master Kung – The Story of Confucius, Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York & London | Master Kung, the great Chinese sage, 15 | N/A | N/A |
Darré, R. Walther (1944), Zucht als Gebot, Verlag Blut und Boden, Berlin | Konfuzius, Philosoph (Begründer einer auf Sittenlehre gegründete Gotteslehre), 49 | N/A | Der Edle, 56; der vollkommende Mensch (Gemeinschaft der Edlen als Aristokratie der Menschheit) |
Collis, Maurice (1948), The First Holy One, Faber and Faber Ltd., London |
The First Holy One
(he calls Laozi “The Venerable Sir”, and uses biblical language elsewhere) |
Divine sage, 11 ff. | True gentleman, 11 ff. |
Herbert, Edward (1950), A Confucian Notebook, John Murray, London | Confucius as a man, as a philosopher and as a saint or “sage”, 4, 5 | Sage, 6, 16, 20, 21-2, 40, 50, 68, 82, 83 | Gentleman, 26 |
Creel, H. G. (1951), Confucius – The Man and the Myth, Routledge & Kegan Paul LTD, London | Philosopher, pp. 119 ff. | – | True gentleman, 67, 86, 91, 97, 101; ideal type of man, 86 |
Sherley-Price, Leo (1951), Confucius and Christ, The Philosophical Library, New York | Sage, 17, 18, 26 ff.; a Chinese sage, 21; philosopher, 24 | Sages and philosophers, 21, 24 ff. (interchangeable) | The Gentleman (Chün-tzu), 117-129 |
Stange, Hans. O. H. (1953), Gedanken und Gespräche des Konfuzius, Lun-Yü – Aus dem chinesischen Urtext neu übertragen und eingeleitet, Verlag R. Oldenbourg, München | Konfuzius, 7 ff. |
Ein Heiliger, 71, 79, 88, 180; große Männer, 159 (!)
(he translates zhi-zhe as “die Weisen”, 69; and ren-zhe as “ein Guter”, 70) |
Der Edle, 70, 79, 80, 159, 180 |
Liu Wu-Chi (1955), Confucius, His Life and Time, Philosophical Library, New York | K’ung Ch’iu | Sage-kings, 163 | gentleman, 92, 99, 167; Feudal lords, 162; The prince, 163; a wise and benevolent prince, 164-165 |
Liu Wu-Chi (1955), A Short History of Confucian Philosophy, Pelican Books, London | K’ung Ch’iu (democratic thinker, 74; founder of Ju philosophy, 13 ff.; sage (implied) | N/A | N/A |
Chang Chi-yun (1957), A Life of Confucius, transl. by Shih Chao-yin, China New Press, Taipei | Confucius the thinker, 26; the sagest of sages, 3 | A sage, 86 | A Gentleman, 1 ff. |
Jaspers, Karl (1957, 1964, 1971), Die maβgebenden Menschen – Sokrates, Buddha, Konfuzius, Jesus, in Die Großen Philosophen, Bd. I, R. Piper & Co., München | Philosoph, 18 ff. | Heilige, 144, 147; Heilige und Weise, 155; (calls Taoist shengren: “Asketen, Beschwörer, Alchimisten, Lebensverlängerer, Zauberer und Gaukler”, 159 |
Die besten Menschen, 136;
Der Edle, 141, 142, |
Nivison, David S., Wright, Arthur F. et al. (1959), Confucianism in Action, Stanford University Press, Stanford | Confucius | – | Superior man, 35, 39, 45, 52, 53, 54, 221, 274 |
Chai, Ch’u, Chai, Winberg (1965), The Sacred Books of Confucius and Other Confucian Classics, University Books, New York | Confucius | Sage, 74 ff | Chün-tzu 30 ff., Man of virtue, a true gentleman, 30-31 |
Pound, Ezra (1970), Confucian Analects, Peter Owen, London | Confucius | Sage, 40, 46, 54, 111; sage man, 45 | A proper man (one in whom the ancestral voices function), 45, 45; gentleman, 45, 99 |
Fingarette, Herbert (1972), Confucius – the Secular as Sacred, Harper & Row, New York | Confucius (with magical powers, 3-5) | The highest state of magical potency, 4 | The (spiritually) noble man, 7 |
Chen, Lifu (1972), transl. by Liu, Shih Shun, The Confucian Way: A new systematic study of the ‘Four Books’, The Commercial Press Ltd., New York | Ancient sage, the highest sage, 1 | The Sage, the highest sage, 250 ff. | Superior man, xii, 24, 34, 46 |
Wilhelm, Richard (1974), Die Philosophie Chinas – Kungfutse Gespräche, Eugen Diederichs Verlag, Duesseldorf (Neuausgabe) | Konfuzius or Kung Fu Dsi | Göttlich, 80; Ein Gottmensch, 87; Genie, 98; die Heiligen (der Vorzeit), 167 | Der Edle, 90, 99, 153, 167 |
Lau, Dim-cheuk (1979), Analects of Confucius, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth (U. K.) | Sagehood, 90 | ||
Tu Weiming (1979), Humanity and Self Cultivation: Essays in Confucian Thought, Asian Humanities Press, Berkeley | Confucius | Sheng, sage, 125; sage, 17, 26, 68, 86, 95, 111, 142, 157; highest form of authentic human, 20, 26, 72, 85, 96, 140 ff. | Chun-tzu (gentleman), 7, 22, 31, 235, 286 |
Allan, Sarah (1981), The Heir and the Sage: Dynastic Legend in Early China, Chinese Material Center, San Francisco | Philosopher, 123 ff. | Sages, | |
Feifel, Eugen (1982), Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur: mit Berucksichtigung ihres geistesgeschichtlichen Hintergrundes: dargestellt nach Nagasawa Kikuya: Shina Gakujutsu Bungeishi, Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim | Philosoph (no, not a philsopher), Heiliger (no, not a holy man), 54, 55 | N/A | The educated, 54 |
Schwarz, Ernst (1985), Konfuzius – Gespräche des Meisters Kung, dtv Klassik, Muenchen | Meister Kung, 5 ff. | Weiser von großer Heiligkeit, 60; wahrlich Weisen, 64, 65, vollkommener Weiser, 71; Weise, 113 | Ein edler Mensch, 60, 71, 113 |
Von Wedemeyer, Inge (1986), Konfuzius – Meister der Güte und Mitmentschlichkeit, Verlag Heilbronn, Heilbronn | Philosoph | Heilige, 43 | Der Edle, 30 ff. |
Tu Weiming (1987), The Confucian Sage: Exemplar of Personal Knowledge, in Hawley, John Stratton (1987), Saints and Virtues, University of California Press, Berkeley | The paradigmatic sage, 73, 85; preeminent sage, 73 | The Confucian Sage, 73, 78, 82, 86 | N/A |
Tu Weiming (1988), Confucianism in an Historical Perspective, The Institute of East Asian Philosophies, Singapore | Confucius, 1 ff. | Sageliness, 2, 18; sagehood, 3 | Nobleman, 3, 8; Confucian Nobleman, 18 |
Goepper, Roger (1988), Das Alte China – Geschichte und Kultur des Reiches der Mitte, Chapter ‚Konfuzianismus‘ bei Holzer, Rainer, C. Bertelsmann, München
(Großer Bildband) |
Konfuzius, Philosoph (implied), 187, 197 | N/A | Junzi, der Edle, der höhere Mensch, 193 |
Taylor, Rodney L. (1990), The Religious Dimensions of Confucianism, State University of New York Press, New York | A Sage, 39 ff.; sheng, 40-41 | Sages, 39 ff.; sheng (sage), 3, 23-24, 32, 47-52, 49-50, 40-41, 43-47; sheng (saint), 39 | A noble person (chün-tzu), 12, 15, 26, 37, 41 |
Kuhn, Dieter (1991), Status und Ritus – Das China der Aristokraten von den Anfaengen bis zum 10. Jahrhundert nach Christus, edition forum, Heidelberg | Konfuzius | N/A | Ein Edler, ein junzi, 240-241, 244 |
Wei, Yuqing (1993), Vergleichende Paedagogische China Forschung, Waxmann, Muenster/New York
Konfuzius (als Paedagoge/Lehrer), 121 ff. | Heilige, 167, 171, 176, 189; Weise, 192 | Junzi, 160, 171 ff.; junzi (als vollkommendes [idealisiertes] ethisches Wesen, 160 |
Roetz, Heiner (1994), Konfuzius, Verlag C. H. Beck, Muenchen | Philosoph, 9 ff.; Wanderphilosoph, 19 |
Die grossen Denker, 7, Philosophen, 43;
Genius, Heiliger, 104 |
Der Edle, 11 ff. |
Rosemont, Henry, Ames, Roger (1998), The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation, Ballantine Books, New York | – | – | The exemplary person, 107-108 |
Liu Shu-hsien (1998), Understanding Confucian Philosophy, Greenwood Press, London | Confucius, 3, 15-29 ff. (the word “philosopher” is avoided) | Sageliness, 20; sages, 26 | Superior Man (Chün-tzu), 17,26, 27; gentleman (Chün-tzu), 19 |
Pohl, Karl-Heinz (1999), Chinese Thought in a Global Context, Brill, Leiden
(German editor) |
Confucius, 24, 37, 39 ff. | Sheng, sage, 219, 291; holy sages; Chinese ‘philosopher’ [attributed to Geldsetzer, Lutz] 299; model-philosopher, 302 | Junzi (Confucian gentleman) [attributed to Rötz, Heiner], 252; superior man [attributed to Geldsetzer, Lutz], 299, [attributed to Riegel, Klaus-Georg] 344; junzi 349-351 |
Shankman, Steven, Durrant, Stephen (2000), The Siren and the Sage: Knowledge and Wisdom in Ancient Greece and China, Cassell, New York | Confucius | Sages, 8-12, 186 | N/A |
Zotz, Volker (2000), Konfuzius, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Hamburg | Konfuzius | N/A | Führungspersönlichkeiten, 7; Der Edle, 119 |
Paul, Gregor (2001), Konfuzius, Herder Spektrum, Freiburg | Konfuzius | Shengren, Weiser, 35 ff., 91, 108, 109, 114, 119 | Edler, 35 ff. |
Guo Xuezhi (2002), The Ideal Chinese Political Leader – A Historical and Cultural Perspective, Praeger Publishers, London | Confucius (the thinker), 3 ff. | Sages (Shengren), ix, xi, 55, 71 ff., 104 (he talks mainly about Daoist sages) | Confucian Nobleman (Junzi), ix-x, 3 ff., 105-106 ff. |
Zhang, Dainian (2002), Key Concepts in Chinese Philosophy, translated by Ryden, Edmund, Yale University Press, New Haven | Philosopher (is understood) |
Talk about Chinese philosopher s(throughout the book) |
Gentleman, 421 |
Simson, Wojciech Jan (2002), Die Geschichte der Aussprüche des Konfuzius (Lunyu), Peter Lang AG, Bern | Konfuzius | Die Berufenen (the chosen, the called upon, 90, 94, 169, 246 | Die Edlen, 28, 35, 45, 55, 59 ff. |
Cua, Antonio S. (2003), Encyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy, Routledge, New York |
(The philosopher is implied) |
Confucian sage, 697-699; sage, 132-134, 211-212, 132-134, 335; shengren (sagely person), 872 | Junzi (chün-tzu), 132-134, 178, 179, 529-530; the moral person, 329-335 |
Lai, Karyn L. (2008), An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
(uses translations by Rosemont, 1998, and Chan, 1963) |
Philosopher (total overuse) | Sage king, 8 (?), sage, 101 (but in Daodejing, transl. by Chan, 1963) | Confucian paradigmatic person, 19, 23, 49-51; the exemplary person, 27; chun tzu [junzi], 49 |
Lee, Eun-Jeung (2008), Konfuzius interkulturell gelesen, Interkulturelle Bibliothek, Traugott Bautz, Nordhausen | Konfuzius | Shengren, 50 ff.; Kulturheroen, halblegendäre Könige der früheren Dynastien (ähnlich wie Philosophenkönige von Plato), 49 |
Junzi, 50 ff; Der Edle (der Herrschaft der Tugend), 56
Höllmann, Thomas O. (2008), Das alte China – Eine Kulturgeschichte, C. H. Beck, München | Konfuzius | N/A | Der Edle, 242 |
Wen Haiming (2009), Confucian Pragmatism as the Art of Contextualizing Personal Experience and World, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, New York | Confucius, Philosopher (is understood) | Sheng, sagacity, 158, god-like human beings, 158-160 | Junzi, exemplary person, 9, 19, 64, 67, 105-107, 114, 142-44, 147, 150-153, 159 ff. |
Angle, Stephen C. (2009), Sagehood, Oxford University Press | Sage, 13 ff. (understood) | The Sage (sheng), 13 ff. (the explicit topic of the entire book); the Neo-Confucian sage, 14 ff. | Gentleman (junzi), 14 ff. |