January 4, 2018

The Who is superior to the What – Logan Paul and his Youtube Free Pass Youtube enforces extremely strict ‘Community Guidelines’ for the insect people to obey,… and at the same time grants total limitlessness to

The Merkel hate speech that led to the persecution of millions

November 20, 2017

Angela Merkel today criminalizes millions of Germans for “hate speech” for exactly what she said 14 years ago! For all the millions of Germans that the Merkel regime has labelled “right-wing extremists” [especially the 6 […]

Proof that Merkel is a lying sociopath

October 5, 2017

Merkel makes migrant stuff up as she stays in power for 16 years You gotta love the internet. People are actually able to demonstrate the double standards of Angela Merkel by digging up a statements […]

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