Professor Norbert Frei and journalist Matthias Nass want dissidents and critics censored and prosecuted, and opposition leaders blackmailed and coerced into compliance, or else...

German Press in Propaganda Mode: Censor and Prosecute Dissidents and Critics!

December 7, 2015 0

HAMBURG – A German professor with the name Norbert Frei (“Free”) just gave the interview of his life in the German Times (DIE ZEIT); or […]

Altes Propaganda Poster "Der ist schuld". Hier abgeändert mit: Samy Amimour, one of the French terrorists who was a member of ISIS. France asked Germany to join the fight and "eradicate" the Islamic warriors.

Unfassbar: Deutschland wieder Kriegsnation!

December 4, 2015 0

DIE ZEIT schreibt, daß Angela Merkel (zögerlich) jetzt doch Deutschland in den Krieg gegen IS (Islamischen Staat) führen will. Was erstaunt, und nicht nur wegen […]

Thorsten Pattberg on Journalism

La terreur médiatique de l’Occident en Chine

December 3, 2015 0

Le voilà! Ces soi-disant ‘China Experts’ ont toléré et spirituellement soutenu le terrorisme en Chine depuis des décennies. La devise semble être: des terroristes contre […]

Creating Chinese heros dissidents and saviors to support Western cause

How Western Media systematically fabricate Chinese “LEADERS,” “DISSIDENTS,” and “SAVIORS”

November 28, 2015 0

A PATTERN clear for all to see: The Western mass media – incited by a new Western Evangelism and “Good West vs Evil East” narrative […]

Hollande Final Solution - We must eradicate Islamic State

Frankreich will ISIS “ausmerzen”, hofiert den Killer des 20. Jahrhunderts: Deutschland

November 25, 2015 0

PARIS – Man glaubt es kaum, aber es ist wohl so wie die Medien es sagen: Frankreich erfährt eine Serie von Attentaten, guckt sich um, […]

Majority of Germans feel sick and tired of daily Media Terror

Majority of Germans feel sick and tired of daily Media Terror

November 24, 2015 0

TO IGNORE the media is the financial ruin of the media, of course. It is the only “business” in Germany that comes to your living room […]

Freedom of Expression greenlights our press to lie and fabricate stories with impunity 1

Lügenpresse: Lying Press fabricates stories with impunity

November 24, 2015 0

“Freedom of expression,” we’ve said it before, resembles a colonial master’s monologue that mocks the lives of the master’s servants. Of course, the master feels […]

German Press of matters calls for censorship of its critics

German Press of matters calls for censorship of its critics

November 24, 2015 0

IN SUCH a dystopian ‘freedom hell’ not only do journalists get addicted to the shame game, they also get paranoid. They must be. Expert knowledge […]

German US licensed Media Everyone who disagrees with us is a Nazi

German US-licensed Media: Everyone who disagrees with us is a Nazi

November 24, 2015 0

Our reckless media play on human instincts of verbal abuse – often without regard to facts and veracity – such as rumor, lies, and defamation. […]

Lügenpresse - The real terror in Germany The Lying Press vs the People

Lügenpresse – The real terror in Germany: The Lying Press vs. the People

November 24, 2015 0

THE print media –BILD, Die ZEIT, FAZ, Spiegel, and Sueddeutsche, to name a few- are now unanimously known as “Lügenpresse” –the Lying Press. They are despised […]

Josef Joffe Kriegstreiber

Germany’s unelected media and its press soldiers

November 24, 2015 0

LITTLE wonder then, that our most experienced journalists turn into cynics and monsters who rise up late and go to bed late, tortured by a burning […]

freedom of expression vs dignity of man

The dignity of man is inviolable… EXCEPT the press is doing it

November 24, 2015 0

THE German ‘Verfassung’ famously begins: “The dignity of man is inviolable.” It ought to have ended “unless the press was doing it.” Little coincidence that racist […]

German Media Terror And if anyone says anything back the press hears nothing

German Media Terror: And if anyone says anything back, the press hears nothing

November 24, 2015 0

BERLIN – The German media of matters, and the entire teutsche internet we may add, are profiting immensely from this new-found strategy of shaming, degrading, […]

Tyranny of the Press They do whatever they want to us

Tyranny of the Press: They do whatever they want to us!

November 24, 2015 0

“Arbeit macht frei” – Work sets you free – was a common propaganda slogan by the National Socialists – the Nazis. America calls itself the “Leader […]


Sorry France, but that’s murder and genocide!

November 21, 2015 0

FRANCE had quickly “identified” the criminals of the Paris terror attacks – a Belgian master head and several French henchmen, most dead or arrested now […]

In the Name of Lord Press Freedom - by Thor Tukoll

In the Name of Lord Press Freedom

November 8, 2015 0

“Arbeit macht frei” – Work sets you free – was a common propaganda slogan by the National Socialists – the Nazis. America calls itself the “Leader […]

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