#aiww Master Ai Weiwei’s Great Heap Forward (feat. LEGO politics & puppet dissidents)

BEIJING – Cult nude leader Ai Weiwei who set himself up for a joint exhibition in Australia over Christmas with Andy Warhol (who is dead since 1987) called upon his followers to donate their LEGO bricks. Cars and containers will be set up as ‘collection points’, photographed, and put onto Instagram and Twitter. The glorious Western mass media reported about tons of bricks. Not a single brick was collected yet, but it was already a stupendous amount of articles written about it. Nor did anybody of our elite journalists, for that matter, cared to identify specify instructions about what kind of bricks Ai Weiwei was in need of, and how many of each (there are 2,350 varieties of bricks in 52 possible colors).
The entire hype is an attachment to the Master’s delusional sense of entitlement. He is 1% art and 99% politics. His method is simple enough: Everything is censorship and oppression and the Master has to point it all out. Western media elevated the disrupter as part of their evangelical mission to fabricate “heroes” and “saviors” in China useful to the Western cause. And when Chinese people were angered and called it a form of colonialism, of course they would be demonized as ‘censors’ and ‘oppressors’. Case closed. Scholars have to look at it. Case CLOSED. But we have to make sense of it… [door closed].
The Master now wishes to hijack the Christmas season and allegedly ordered millions of LEGO bricks to make another planetary statement about… himself, Ai Weiwei. It’s the name of the exhibition: The… Ai Weiwei Exhibition. The Danish toymaker declined the honor, regurgitation its ‘No LEGO politics’ philosophy. The Master, being the Chinese bully he is, took great offense and called upon his militant followers to shame and humiliate the LEGO company (a collaborator with the Chinese government). He would use LEGO bricks anyway, he declared. Which is perfectly legal but kind of a jerk. Juxtaposing Western brands like this to feign ‘legitimacy’ is all-too-common in China. Besides, this is exactly the kind of arrogant posturing and megalomania of our dear leaders the Master supposedly fights on behalf of mankind in China, no?

P. S. We really only wanted your attention. Will make up for it though with plenty of Christmas lights and a ridiculous amount of LEGO. Ah, and yes we were -at all times and during all stages of the process- incredibly oppressed and absolutely discriminated against. So you know.
Accordingly, his worshipers lashed out on the Master’s enemies, calling them “apologists of an oppressive regime” or “wumao” (a term used for an invisible army paid by the Chinese government for spreading lies). Followers defended the Master with cult-like mantra and rhetoric: “Oh, look, but he stands for freedom and democracy” or “Oh, he was prosecuted and beaten by the police you know.”
Outstandingly, the Western media of matters has nothing new to say. They cannot debunk the nude charlatan because it is their greatest click-and-bait asset and supreme Chinese token dissidents. They’ve created him. Now they have to feed him. For over a decade they have nurtured their propaganda child like helicopter parents. Rolled out trips and sinecures. Free advertisement and promotional campaigns. They blacklisted opposition voices (see: The Rising Cult of the China Experts). They intimidated the Master’s critics (“You wanna mess with CIA and the US Pentagon?”) until he was so holy and infallible that any critique – say the Master’s rampant tax evasions – actually turned out to be a real diversion and blessing (and “state oppression” – need we say this?).
Today, Ai Weiwei can get away with anything. He is so suppressed, he can’t do no wrong. On the contrary, he would simply accuse the sun and the moon as ‘traitors of freedom of expression’. Trapped in pseudo-science and the eternal victim fallacy, Western journalists must keep up with this scam and sustain more lies and deception. (The Master’s penis is one of the very few ones allowed on Facebook, because of the company’s fear of being accused of censorship.)

A pattern clear for all to see: The Western mass media – fired by a new Western Evangelism and “Good West vs Evil East” narrative (anti-Russian, anti-Islam, anti-Confucian, etc.) – engages in systematic propaganda and mission to subvert China: Fabricating Chinese “leaders,” “heroes,” “dissidents,” and “saviors” on colonial behalf on the Chinese civilization (and not the ones China would pick, obviously). Just like puppet regimes, the puppet intellectuals are greatly rewarded with publicity and accolades. The top tier ‘chosen ones’ proofed themselves loyal and reliable to say certain things on certain topics – here: representation, rule of law, freedom of expression, and democracy. This is dynamite in social studies and still absolute taboo. In a hundred years from now, it won’t be.
Meanwhile, people are having a hard time to see “great art.” It just isn’t there. “It is a flying Whatever!,” but they don’t know why “Art?” It’s clear political activism and an obscene need for attention. Indeed, the fact that the Master exploits (dead) Andy Warhol, the LEGO brand, and Christmas seasons, and calls everything – Chinese and Western if need be – that stands between him and his legacy “censorship” and “discrimination” must appear like two gigantic red flags to anyone who cares to wonder.
Several commentators, (thankfully) unrelated to the Western press soldiers in China, begin to cast doubts on the Master’s alleged superpowers. He went nude. He dropped a vase. He ordered LEGO. They still shy away from calling him a fraud.
The Master clearly has momentum. And a violent Western media allies hellbent at subverting China. The Master could announce himself the King of the Chinese and the Son of the Yellow Emperor any time or upcoming Christmas. (And then he would also be looking for somebody to punch his nose, obviously so that his claims were to be declared true and his cause were to be declared just). Mr. Ai disappointed his Western benefactors already when he just and barely announced that the ‘internet’ was his canvas. Boooring. Only the king of the internet…
Jacob Brogan at Slate summarizes the impossible drama: “All of this suggests the troubling, and arguably charming, possibility that we’re already part of Ai’s work and world.” In other words, the more the people call ‘bullshit’, the more famous the Master becomes. (But famous for what -bullshit?)
Needless to say, it is not in the interest of our unelected media, which profits from sensation, rumors, and deceptions in order to attract attention just like the Master does, to set their own house on fire. Debunking our corrupt media is the job of academics, pundits, public intellectuals, and of course the public itself. So, where are they? Maybe they are oppressed by our own Western media? As they say: Beijing has to wrestle with tens of thousands of dissidents; the American Empire… with 7 billion.
Art critic Jonathan Jones at The Guardian forged ahead with his view that LEGO’s refusal to sponsor the Master “has not been censorship.” He was immediately ridiculed by the Master’s fanboys on social media (not that he cares) and social justice warriors forums (Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr…) who accuse the Guardian man of green-lighting corporate oppression.

A small sacrifice for mankind; a Great heap forward for Ai Weiwei #legosforweiwei
Even James Palmer, trapped between the powerful Western media mafia in China (his “friends” of necessity) and his conscience, had to flip-flop and urged his colleagues for more restrain otherwise the whole anti-China propaganda could take a hit or even implode. People need to believe that China is the world’s worst enemy and that its government is oppressive. The Master and his militant fans could ruin the entire narrative. Young people are asking questions. How on earth have you Western journalist gotten so rotten and crooked? Are you not afraid that in a hundred years from now historians – Western and Chinese alike – will expose your subversion activities and media terror?
Meanwhile, the Master calls upon the world to collectivize their LEGO bricks and sustain his great quest of overpowering his oppressive Chinese adversaries just about when Western leaders are celebrating the 2015 anniversary of our Lord Jesus Christ. Fantastic. We can’t wait to see the many many LEGOs. Ai Weiwei is an elaborated triumph of Western civilization. And the Great heap forward for a very tragic class of Oriental man -the puppet dissident.
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